Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Lessons in Leadership

Leadership Workshop
What kind of leader are you? 
Stephen led a leadership workshop on June 9 to complete his Advanced Communicator Gold. It was well attended with 27 members and guests from other clubs. He made 3 videos that could be viewed prior to review key aspects of leadership and to help determine your leadership style. The 4 key styles of leadership were Reflection, Influence, Action, and Structure. 

Jey moderated a Panel with Ksenija (current President) and Marvin (incoming President) sharing advice about stepping out of your comfort zone, asking for help, and being a flexible leader.  Mona shared an important lesson "leadership touches everything you do!" and assisted in a round table asking various members about lessons on leadership.
Lessons from the workshop: Be aware of your leadership style, assess leadership style of your team, and find ways to resolve the gap between them. "If you don't know where you are at - how can you know where you are going!" Watch this video to be a better leader.

Stepping Up!
Marion was an inspiring leader on June 16 for taking on the role of Toastmaster on our online meeting. Great to see a full house again!  It was her first time in this role online and an opportunity to ask for help and learn along the way. Members were supportive and encouraging. This helps in building stronger leaders.

New Leaders
Lorenzo a newer member gave an educational speech on decision making and biases that leaders may have. He used an analogy of decision making and railway tracks and you want to avoid derailing! Tracy shared a personal ice breaker about the beauty of the Similkameen Valley and why she calls this her home. Way to go to our new members!

Ksenija, our President shared stories about a helpful mentor at work and the 3 pillars of skills, patience, and caring that helped her. In turn now, Ksenija will be mentoring another new member. Mentoring is a way for leaders to contribute and offer their experience and save upcoming leaders time and energy! Our club has mentoring teams that help the members with their goals.

How are you building your leadership skills? Every Tues night - a place to develop your skills!

Sunday, June 07, 2020

Igniting Ideas!

Igniting a Spark!
Every meeting - we see the sparks of creativity from our members! Yvonne asked our members - how have you been impacted by our club Igniters? The members shared 3 words each and Yvonne used Word Art to create this amazing image! You can see how much the members have gained from coming to this club and working on their skills.

Fan the Flames of Success
Our members continue to help each other develop their skills and achieve their educational goals. The Legacy Program will be ending June 30, 2020. Lots of opportunities to grow in Pathways Educational Program. 11 Paths for you to grow!

Creative speeches! Comparing Space X and Toastmasters, Mentees, Wicca, Mentoring Members, and Coaching about Blogging.

Educational Achievements! 
Advanced Communicator Bronze - Glen
Mentoring Program - Jey
Level 2 - Dynamic Leadership - Mona
Level 3 - Presentation Mastery - Dermot 
Level 4 - Effective Coaching - Mary

TT Wheel!
Congrats Best Listener!
Thinking Outside the Box!
Vicky as our Creative Table Topic Master used an app to create a TT wheel. She shared her screen and we all watched the wheel spin around and the name it landed on was the lucky speaker!

Tracy a newer member used her creativity to make an award as the Quiz Master. Congrats Cat! When could you be a better listener?!