Wednesday, August 23, 2017

High Spirits

Our August 22nd 2017 meeting was well attended and everyone seemed ignited in high spirits!
3 guests joined us, 2 speeches were given and an extra lengthy but enjoyable round table of introductions was shared by all.
Our Toastmaster for the evening Nandini Venkatesan offered those who were inspired by extra 'creativity' (word of the day) and found themselves sharing such wonderful stories during the round table introduction to develop out those stories further into a speech - great idea!
Our table topics winner was the friendly Marvin Henry who pictured here happily shows his prize statue.
Thanks to Rob Morris for brining in the statue that he said he 3D printed at home. Rob did a wonderful job sharing the back story on the Venus de Milo which he had learned about while visiting the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
Looking forward to more great meetings to come...

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