Friday, September 25, 2015

1st Place -Table Topics Contest

We would like to congratulate Nandini for placing first in the Sept. 22,  2015 Table Topics Contest. She accepted the award from Mona the Awards Presenter and Marvin the Chief Judge.

Table Topics Contest

We had eight Igniters step up to compete in the Table Topics Contest on Sept. 22, 2015. Nandini, Anne, Bren, Mark George, Chris C., Chris G. and JianLi answered Mona's question regarding a Gallop Poll relating to the Canadian workforce.  Each of the contestants drew on their experiences to give a variety of two minute presentations.  Thanks to Marvin the Chief Judge and Mona the Table Topics Toastmaster for  guiding the large group through the contest.  Also a huge thank you to Michel the Contest Chair, Marion for organizing the food, and Stephen and Edward our timers. 
Let also thank our ballot counters and SAA Margaret, Mamadou, Lisa and Julia

1st Place - Humorous Speech Contest

Marvin (Chief Judge) and Mona (Awards Presenter) presented Chris G with his First Place Award in the Humorous Speech Contest.

Humorous Speech Contest

Igniters hosted their Humorous Speech Contest on Sept. 22, 2015 with Chris G and Marion entertaining us with two very different but both amusing speeches.  Thanks to Chris C. our toastmaster and Marvin our Chief Judge for overseeing a wonderful contest. 
Michel did an awesome job as the Contest Chair organizing the completion and setting out an agenda that ran smoothly with the help of our timers Stephen and Edward.

Sunday, September 20, 2015


The Igniters Sept. 15th meeting enjoyed a large attendance with five visitors looking into the Toastmasters program.  Our theme of "New Technology" brought out some interesting ideas that were carried throughout the meeting.
The executive pictured here (Michel, Mona, Anne, Marion, Bren, Nandini, Stephen, and our President Chris) had our second planning session and discussed our membership program, budget, future contests, education and mentoring goals.   

Monday, September 07, 2015


Congratulations to Mona for her amazing article in the Toastmaster Magazine.  I asked Mona what Toastmasters' and the article meant to her and this was her reply.
"Why do I love Toastmasters? Why do I stay in Toastmasters?  The support is incredible!!! The club celebrating the success of having an article in the Toastmaster Magazine with all the cheering, clapping and cake eating is a humbling experience. I have been blessed ever since I started Toastmasters in 1997. Speaking on September 1, the day I launched the promotion of holding Family Retreats with Real Conversation and stating I was expanding nationally was exciting to share with Igniters who has Ignited my spirit to keep going even when it was tough. Thank you kindly to all the members at Igniters and all my Toastmasters worldwide for your unconditional support. I know it has been quite a challenge to groom a person who will break out into a Chicken Dance unannounced. What I wish for every member is to live their passion and impact the world. This would be a gift for all of us. Thank you kindly!!!!"
Thanks, Mona,  for all you teach us at our meeting, how you share from your heart and help us improve.  You definitely "lead by example."

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Icebreaker Speeches

Our Toastmaster Stephen did an awesome job of keeping our Sept. 1st meeting running smoothly.  With three speeches, table topics and a surprise celebration it was not an easy task. 
Congratulations to Edward and Lisa for accomplishing their first speech, the Icebreaker.  Edward's talk was called The Traveller Beneath the Tree and used the analogy of travellers meeting under a tree during a storm and then parting when the weather improved.  It was an excellent comparison of a person moving through life touching different people. 
Lisa spoke about her lifelong love of reading, which definitely encouraged each of us to grab a book and settle into a comfortable chair.  
Thank you both for sharing these excellent speeches with us.    

Farewell and Good Luck

We would like to wish the best to Laura and Ayanna with their moves from Calgary.  Both have been active members during their time at Igniters and will be  missed!   Thanks for all that you have shared with us and we hope that each of you stop by when you come back to Calgary for a visit.