Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Winner of Igniters Rookie of the Year 2015!

Rookie of the Year Award


Presented to a member who has been with Toastmasters for less than 18 months to honor their achievements and success. The recipient will move on to compete at the Area Level.

Bren is a dynamic member who is supportive, enthusiastic, and has brought a real energy to the club.


  • New member entered into Club Table Topics Contest. Placed 2nd.
  • Willing to take on any role and support others
  • Helped to write articles and take photos for Igniters blog.
  • Action Committee member for 10th Anniversary – helped with registration, honored new members, and recruited volunteers
  • Spoke at fundraiser to raise awareness for drug addiction and empower other families
  • Taken on new executive position as VP of Public Relations
The winner of the Rookie of the Year is Bren! Congratulations Bren on your hard work and success in 2015!

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