Division E Contest
On April 3, 2023 members competed in contests and Igniters are proud of our members. Contests have many benefits including challenging members, learning from feedback, and honing their skills. Mark stepped up in the Evaluation Contest to give feedback to the test speaker and help her become a stronger speaker. Way to go Mark for representing Igniters with your enthusiasm and helpful insights! Congratulations to Darlene (past Igniter) for winning with your creative and heartfelt evaluation.
For the past few weeks, Jeff has been challenging himself to keep making his speech stronger as he won at the Club and Area Contest. Congratulations Jeff on placing third in Division E!! It was a very competitive field of inspiring speakers. Each sharing their ideas, passions, and message for others to learn and keep growing.
A huge thank you to Vicky for helping as timer. It takes many volunteers to help others reach for their goals.
Division and District Circle of Gold
The Circle of Gold is peer mentoring where contestants have the opportunity to receive feedback from top evaluators to help them strengthen their skills. Each of the six Divisions have a Circle of Gold to bring out the best for members. We have many strong evaluators in Igniters and a huge thank you to Mona, Diane, Trevor, Ksenija, Marvin, and Nandini for your commitment to help other contestants grow.
District Conference April 28 - 30
Come to the Best Western Premiere Hotel in the NE Calgary or join online for the Hybrid Conference. Please register for either at D42 Hybrid Conference 2023 - Toastmasters, District 42 (d42tm.org)
Keynote Speakers
Richard Peck, DTM Past President of Toastmasters International
Sharon Hill, DTM - Marketing Manger for IBM
Educationals - Yes two Igniters are sharing their knowledge, passion, and fun
* Find Your Funnybone! Nandini, Katrina, and Laura
* Having the Ride of Your Life - Mona
Business Meeting - Fola (President) and Jessica (VP of Ed) will represent Igniters for voting on the clubs behalf.
District Contests - come see the top evaluators and speakers shine
Hope to see you there at the annual conference. A chance to "Maximize Your Potential".