Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Spirit of Success New Member

Congratulations Adam for winning the Spirit of Success New Member award!

Diane wins the Spirit of Success Igniting Spirits Award.

Congratulations Diane on achieving this award.

Michel receives his Competent Communicator Award.

Congratulations Michel for achieving your Competent Communicator designation!

Michel receives The Spirit of Success Communication and Leadership Award.

Glen presents the Spirit of Success Communication and Leadership Award to Michel of Igniters Toastmasters. The Spirit of Success award recognizes a new Toastmaster whose enthusiasm, commitment, and achievements represent the spirit of the Toastmasters organization. Congratulations Michel on winning this award!

Rookie of the Year Award.

Congratulations Adam on winning the Rookie of the Year Award for 2013!

Nandini wins the Spirit of Success Speech Achievement award.

Congratulations Nandini on your achievement.

Spirit of Success President’s Choice winner.

Congratulations Christy for winning the Spirit of Success President's Choice award for 2013!