Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Merry Christmas from Igniters!

We celebrated Christmas and a successful year together as Toastmasters.

Thanks to Mona for being a gracious host for our very enjoyable evening.

Monday, December 09, 2013

Igniters are on Christmas break.

Igniters will be on Christmas break until the New Year. Please watch our blog for pictures of our Christmas get together this week. We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Igniters awarded three ribbons.

Glen, Past President of Igniters Toastmasters club in Calgary, proudly displays three ribbons earned during his presidency. From left to right: The Founders Award ribbon is awarded to a club that helps sponsor a new club. The Sunshine Club ribbon is awarded to a club that meets at least once during July and at least once during August. The Club Fitness ribbon is awarded to a club that submits an updated membership roster and an updated July club officer list to Toastmasters District 42. 

Congratulations! Thank you to all members who contributed to earning these awards!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Igniters induct our newest member!

Please help us to warmly welcome Steven to our toastmasters club.

Left: Area Governor for J41, Chris
Middle: New member Steven
Right: VP Membership Adam

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Nandini has been chosen as an Ambassador!

Nandini has been chosen by Toastmasters International to be an Ambassador! In the process of applying for this position Nandini was required to answer essay questions, and provide credentials and references. We all know how hard Nandini works to make Igniters Toastmasters such a great club to be part of!

If you would like to learn more about the Ambassador roles :

Congratulations Nandini on your achievement! Toastmasters is lucky to have you as an Ambassador!

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Igniters' new member.

We are very excited to introduce one of our new members at Igniters Toastmasters. Adam led a formal induction of Marion at our meeting on November 5th. Please help us to welcome Marion!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Diane wins the Division Table Topics competition.

Congratulations for winning the Division Table Topics competition Diane! Diane now advances to the District competition in Fort McMurray.

Monday, October 07, 2013

Diane from Igniters wins the Area Table Topics contest.

Congratulations Diane for winning the Area Table Topics contest at the Smart Technologies building, Calgary. Diane will advance to the Division contest in Table Topics. Congratulations for your fantastic performance Diane!

Diane places second in the Area Humorous speech contest.

Congratulations Diane for placing second in the area Humorous speech contest! Dianne's speech "Be a Fish" was edged out by Rosario's speech "Super Mom". Congratulations Diane for a great showing at the Area contest.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Igniters' club Humorous speech results.

Congratulations Diane for winning the club Humorous speech contest. Diane will now advance to the Area contest.

Igniters Table Topics contest results.

Congratulations Diane for winning the Igniters Table Topics Contest.

Chris C placed second.

And Christopher H placed Third.

Nandini, Gio and Christy present the certificates to each contestant. Congratulations to all of the competitors for participating and for their achievement!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Glen wins the Making a Difference Award

Glen has been an enthusiastic and dedicated member of Igniters for the past five years and has served as our President for 2012-2013. He had a challenging year to help us move to a better location and our club really enjoys our new home. He and his executive team fostered a fun learning environment for our club to achieve Distinguished Club status.

He completed several speeches towards his Advanced Communicator Gold and is currently an Area Governor in 2013-2014 and on his way to achieve his DTM. 

Glen deserves this award as he truly has made a difference to our club. Thank you Glen for your contributions to Igniters and congratulations on your award.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

2013 Executive Induction ceremony

Club Executive induction for 2013 President Marvin, VP Public Relations Nandini, VP Education Gio, Area Governor Chris H, Sargent At Arms  Sina, Secretary Christy, VP Membership Adam, and Treasurer Abhinav (missing).

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Spirit of Success New Member

Congratulations Adam for winning the Spirit of Success New Member award!

Diane wins the Spirit of Success Igniting Spirits Award.

Congratulations Diane on achieving this award.

Michel receives his Competent Communicator Award.

Congratulations Michel for achieving your Competent Communicator designation!

Michel receives The Spirit of Success Communication and Leadership Award.

Glen presents the Spirit of Success Communication and Leadership Award to Michel of Igniters Toastmasters. The Spirit of Success award recognizes a new Toastmaster whose enthusiasm, commitment, and achievements represent the spirit of the Toastmasters organization. Congratulations Michel on winning this award!

Rookie of the Year Award.

Congratulations Adam on winning the Rookie of the Year Award for 2013!

Nandini wins the Spirit of Success Speech Achievement award.

Congratulations Nandini on your achievement.

Spirit of Success President’s Choice winner.

Congratulations Christy for winning the Spirit of Success President's Choice award for 2013!