Sunday, January 31, 2010

How Will You Grow?

Click to play this Smilebox photobook: Igniters Jan. 2010 MtgsBrian M - a newer member shares tips for giving a first speech. Who else has done their icebreaker
in the past few months? More of Brian's tips inside!

"Joining a group of like-minded individuals who are trying to learn the fear- plagued skill of “public speaking” is the only way to go forward in an atmosphere of support and trust." (Go Igniters!)

Educational Awards - Igniters recognized for their accompolishments by da Big Guy at the Gangster Theme Mtg.

85 Stories Project - Keith L & Igniters share how Toastmasters has made a difference. Check out Calgary Toastmasters Website for more info.

Tips on Listening (Bob G) & Energizing Your Club (Mona & Panel - Marvin, Darlene, Peggy, & Nandini)  from Jan. 30 TLI (Toastmaster Leadership Institute) Sessions.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Igniters Xmas 2009Twas ten days before Christmas,
And through Diane & Glen's House
Igniters were not stirring,
And were quiet as a mouse.

Wait a minute.... I meant to say Igniters were having a fun & festive night. That sounds more like us! During Table Topics - creative stories were shared about gifts being given to members. Oh you should have heard the stories!
What tip will you use in your next speech? Press play.