Sunday, November 29, 2009

Creativity Rules! ABBA & Backwards Meeting

Evaluations - You may have heard of the sandwich method (strengths, improvements, best) or the COD method (Content, Organization,Delivery). Have you heard the ABBA evaluation?!
Nov. 24 - ABBA meeting - a creative, fun filled, retro cool night! Check out the photos.

Click to play this Smilebox photobook: ABBA Night!What can you learn from music to help you be a better speaker?

Tip: Music creates an instant connection and rapport.

How do you connect with your audience?

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Nov. 10 Backwards Meeting 

This idea - from a book “The Crazy Dog Guide to Lifetime Happiness” by Brian Walker.The book was inspired by the Crow Indian practice of shaking up the routine in their lives to gain perspective.

We started by closing the meeting! Agenda
Read more on how to grow by shaking things up!
Article: by Igniters Members

If you want to have your own backwards meeting. Try it. Have fun! Tips to have a meeting - side menu.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Using Toastmaster Skills in your Professional Development

In Nov Tammy gave two presentations to Engineering Students  working for the University of Calgary. She gave a power point presentation on Expectations and Etiquette. Tammy receieved credit for her CC speech #8 Working with Visual Aids.

Are you fitting your life into your speeches? How can you  get credit for what you are already doing at work, in the community, or in your personal development.

3 Lessons Tammy learned:
1) When you give the same presentation twice  in a short period of time - great opportunity to learn and make the second presentation stronger! Assess your strengths and areas to improve.

2) Practice helps! She reviewed all her material for the 2nd presentation.

3) Know your slides. This way you can look at the audience rather than at the screen.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Why Add Humor to your Presentations?

Georgi shares advice:
Even if you have the greatest content in your presentation, the attention span of your audience is not that long and at some point individual people will start drifting off mentally.
In order to keep people engaged throughout your presentation, it’s a good idea to give them a mental break every couple of minutes by telling a joke or a humorous story that provides the listeners’ minds with a temporary relief.

After they had a chance to laugh at your joke, the audience will be mentally reinvigorated and will continue listening to you with renewed, focused attention.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nov. 17 - Build Your B.E.S.T. Relationships

Click to play this Smilebox invite: Mentoring
Would you like to -
  • Attract and retain more members
  • Achieve successful mentoring relationships as a mentor or mentee  
  • Meet member needs more effectively 
  • Energize your Club  Create your own invite - Powered by Smilebox
Then, this training is for you!

Nov. 17 Workshop
Great to see all the enthusiastic mentors and mentees from clubs across Calgary! Participants worked on the 4 stages of developing stronger mentoring relationships.                        
What are your goals? Have you started working on them?!!
Have you taken your action step this week?
For more information on how to build a mentoring program in your club - refer to Mentoring Guide in the resource section.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

More Growth for Igniters!

Oct. 8 - J41 Area Contest - Shannon and Dave represented Igniters with class and laughs! Thanks to all of you for your helpful feedback for the contestants.
Fantastic news! Russell - recognized by Area Gov. Colleen as J41 Toastmaster of the Year for 2008_2009.

Click to play this Smilebox postcard: Area & Div. Contests
Oct. 17 -Division J Gov. Keith organized a successful contest. Mona, Russell, Dave, Marvin, & Nandini helped with the contest. Keith creatively recognized his team members with postcards depicting their strengths.

More great news! Wendy - editor and the Igniters Informer won Division J Newsletter. 2 Yrs. in a Row! Awesome!

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Division J
Humorous Speech Contest:

1st place – Darlene D(CTI TechTalkers)
2nd place – Geoff K (Bow Valley Toastmasters)
3rd place – Harvey T (Literally Speaking

Table Topics Contest

1st place – Chuck R (CanOrators)
2nd place – Bill P (Speakers Edge)
3rd place – Tyler M (Palliser

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Igniters Sizzle in the Fall

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Club Contest & WorkshopSept 22 - Fantastic Fall Contest! Fun, funny, and friendly!
Eden, Victoria, Shannon, & Allison
TT's took us to Hawaii,Venice,S. Pacific, & Africa.We laughed at the humorous stories of David's BBQ in Japan, the Bane of Hair of Garrett, and Georgi helped us look for vitamins in our fruits and veggies.
Thanks to all the judges, officials, contestants, and of course the enthusiastic audience. Results below.

Sept 8 - Judging and Table Topics Workshop
Division C Chief Judge Marvin shared his experience and expertise in helping others learn to be effective judges. He shared tips on barriers to effective judging, judging criteria, and filling out forms. What is one of the fastest ways to become a better speaker? Judge at contests of course! You learn about speech development, effective organization, delivery, and more!
Tip: Pick a winner. Best speaker at this contest on this day. No ties on ballot form!

2007 District 42 Table Topics Contest Winner Nandini shared tips and stories to help others prepare for thinking on your feet more quickly for contests. Tips: 1) Answer the question. Focus.
2) Be passionate & enthusiastic 3) Support your position. Press play for more tips

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Club Contest
Table Topics
Humorous Contest
1. Eden
1. Dave
2. Victoria
2. Garrett

3. Georgi

Thursday, August 06, 2009


“Earth and sky, woods and fields,
lakes and rivers,the mountain and the sea,
are excellent schoolmasters,
and teach some of us more
than we can ever learn from books.” John Lubbock

What quotes do you have in your backpocket to add impact to your speaking?
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Sunday, July 05, 2009

Igniters Sizzle!

Year end celebration of personal goals, Spirit of Success Awards, and as a President Distinguished Club. Course we like to celebrate good food too! Thanks to Graham and Ted for slaving over the hot BBQ. Appreciate Wendy for hosting a fun meeting.

Dawn gave a passionate icebreaker speech about her love for the Pittsburgh Penguins. What some people did to get an autograph! Who knew?!

Thanks to Past Pres. Marvin and his committee for organizing awards. Our Spirit of Success award winners share 1 word how they felt recieving the awards. Can you imagine this at the Oscars?!!
Click to play this Smilebox invite: Igniters BBQ
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Monday, June 01, 2009

Achieving Your Goals

What goals are you working on?

Georgi one of our new members just gave an humorous and informative ice breaker sharing 3 key points to remember about Bulgaria. What has he already learned from giving his 1st speech?

· Don’t turn your back to the audience
· Don’t walk around the room too much – it can be distracting to the listeners
· Make eye contact with people from all parts of the audience
· Include more personal content in the presentation

Garrett and Russell hit milestones too. Press play for tips!
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Friday, May 15, 2009

Tips on Leadership

by Mona Cooley, DTM
This convention was inspiring as I had the pleasure of observing how a leader, like Jana Barnhill, DTM is so successful in her business, as a leader of International and interactions with others. This has inspired me to have the COURAGE to raise the bar of leadership, Presence with Others, no matter whether it is in my family, business or personal goals.

What I learned:
1. Look people in the eye with sincerity.
2. Talk to others as if you are chatting one on one.
3. Communicate energizing others to challenge themselves.
4. Speak with a presence of ease and authenticity.
5. Know the 10 tips of being a leader (Refer to May 10 entry)
6. Role model demonstrating leadership at it’s best.
7. Have the “courage” to conquer your fears.
Press Play (below) to read more insights and tips Mona shares about spending time with our International President. How can you be a more inspiring leader?
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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Disrict 42 Spring Convention

Two Igniters D42 PRO Keith and Past District Governor Mona had a great time in Saskatoon learning, growing, and networking with Toastmasters across Alberta & Saskatchewan.

Keith shared 10 Inspiring Tips on Leadership by President of Toastmasters International Jana Barnhill. (press play) Learn how to be a more effective leader!

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: May D42 Convention
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Club and Area Results

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Evaluation Contest International Speech Contest
1. Russell 1. Nandini
2. Pat2. Mona
3. Glen

J41 Area Evaluation Contest

J41 Area Int. Speech Contest

1. Alia (Speakmasters) 1. Darlene (CTI)
2. Russell (Igniters) 2. Nandini (Igniters)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Feb. 24 - Evaluation Workshop

2008 District 42 Evaluation Champion Christina gives a terrific workshop. Great to see all the guests visiting from various TM Clubs. Way to go Tammy and Garrett, our new members who gave heartfelt speeches. Thanks to Igniters for their help and enthusiasm!

How can you be a more effective evaluator? Look for tips inside.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What can you sell?!

What a great evening! Members & guests used their skills to market, sell, persuade, and inspire buyers at first auction event. Might now be an annual event!

Click to play Auction - Igniters
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Tuesday, January 06, 2009