Saturday, July 27, 2024

Summer of Learning


Last Tuesday, I attended an Igniters summer meeting and was surprised to find many members there.  It is a summer of learning. As we entered the room, Elaine had ice cream and cones ready for members to cool off on a hot summer day. What a treat!

David presented his Icebreaker speech and had us all laughing with his stories. Congratulations, David!

Luis teamed up with Diane to be Toastmaster for the first time. He had an excellent meeting mentor in Diane and encouraged everyone to pair up with someone if we are nervous about taking on a role. Way to go Luis and Diane.

There were a few other members taking on roles for the first time. Samuel did Table Topics Master and Trish did Quiz Master.

Elaine won best Table Topics with a heartfelt speech in reply to the question “What good has transformation handed to you?”

Thank you, Igniters, for a fun summer meeting! 


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