Three Club Contests coming soon
Contestants will deliver a 5-7 minute speech online. Winners will go on to the online Area contest, the online Division and District contests. Every member is eligible to participate.
For more information about the online contest, contact Contest Chair, Yvonne; or to volunteer as a judge, contact Chief Judge, Marvin.
Table Topics. Every member is eligible to participate. Contestants will deliver an impromptu answer to a question in 1-2 minutes. Winners will go on to the in-person contest up to and including District.
International Speech contest. Only members who have complete both Levels1 and 2 in Pathways, or have achieved a DTM may participate. This is the only contest which goes on past District to Regional, then World semi-finals and World finals.
For more information about the In-person contests, contact Contest Chair, Mona; or to volunteer as a judge contact Chief Judge, Marvin.
Four new members inducted
Nandini, our VP membership, led a creative new member induction at the last meeting with Igniters' new members: Luis, Slav, Marci and Olu.As she introduced each one, she told us a few facts about them to help us to get to know them. Our members gave them a heartfelt welcome with cheering and clapping and a pledge of encouragement and support.
Nandini, also announced that we now have 36 members in our enthusiastic and vibrant club. Way to go, Igniters!